My stuff

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Coming soon.

Killing them softly.

Well, this looks good, and Mr. Pitt is back. Hell yeah.

Bane T-shirt

My Bane t-shirt. I painted it before the film came out. Took me at least 1 day without stopping painting.

30 day movie meme.

day 02 - the most underrated movie.

The Fall.

from the great mind of Tarsem Singh, The Fall is just an amazing and beautiful beautiful film. It has a sad yet sweet story. Awesome actors, like Lee Pace from the Tv series Pushing Daisies. The shots and the photography are just mind-blowing. I think this is underrated, it's a great film, yet not many people know about it. I advice anyone to see it.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

winter is close.

Oh rainy days, I did miss you.

a little bit of.

The Ricky Gervais Podcast.

I can't resist Karl Pilkington  and his theories. 
And of course Ricky Gervais is a genius.

30 day movie meme

day 01- the best movie you saw during the last year

The Tree of Life
I saw so many films last year, but this one is one of the most brilliant ones. Just beautiful.

Friday, September 28, 2012

30 day movie meme

So I'm going to do this meme, starting today but later.

30 day movie meme 

day 01- the best movie you saw during the last year
day 02 - the most underrated movie
day 03 - a movie that makes you really happy
day 04 - a movie that makes you sad
day 05 - favorite love story in a movie
day 06 - favorite science fiction movie
day 07 - the most surprising plot twist or ending
day 08 - a movie that you’ve seen countless times
day 09 - a movie with the best soundtrack
day 10 - favorite classic movie
day 11 - a movie that changed your opinion about something
day 12 - favorite movie from your favorite actress
day 13 - favorite adaptation film
day 14 - a movie that no one would expect you to love
day 15 - a  character who you can relate to the most
day 16 - a movie that you used to love but now hate
day 17 - a movie that disappointed you the most
day 18 - a movie that you wish more people would’ve seen
day 19 - favorite movie based on a book/comic/etc.
day 20 - favorite movie from your favorite actor/actress
day 21 - favorite action movie
day 22 - favorite documentary
day 23 - favorite animation
day 24 - that one awesome movie idea that still hasn’t been done yet
day 25 - the most hilarious movie you’ve ever seen
day 26 - a movie that you love but everyone else hates
day 27 - a movie that you wish you had seen in theaters
day 28 - favorite movie from your favorite director
day 29 - a movie from your childhood
day 30 - your favorite movie of all time

Coming Soon.

Aw yeah. I'm going to feel that I'm 10 years old again. I just can't wait for December.

a little bit of.



I just love Nicolas Winding Refn films. and what an awesome soundtrack.

Coming Soon.


Can't wait to see it. It looks great and refreshing. And according to Imdb, the script was included in 2010's "Black List" of best unproduced screenplays.

Directed by Chan-wook Park and written by Wentworth Miller...wait, what?

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Rapture from Ana Bartolomeu on Vimeo.

This was the first short-film that I directed. In a professional way. The one that I did in high school doesn't count... Enjoy!

Booking Through Thursday

Do you bring the book(s) you’re reading with you when you go out? How?
Physically, or in an e-reader of some kind? Have your habits in this
regard changed?

Yes. I always carry a book with me in my bag. And a real book of course. I must admit, right now I really don't like e-readers. I hate them... And I'm a person of old habits die hard, so I don't think I'm going to change that.

a little bit of.


Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Audrey Hepburn singing  Moon River. Here's a reason why she's so magical.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

oh new town.

This is going to be me on 25 of November. me arriving in a different country and nervous like hell.