My stuff

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

the return of ein madchen.

I must say that I did got lost a bit and forgot about this blog when I moved to this different country. It's been 2 moths now and I'm happy to be here. Should have planned it more, and it was not the best time to come, should come in a different time a few moths later, but I'm still quite happy. Had a few surprises, things that I was not expecting, good things and bad things, but all in all it's a big step and I'm going to make the most of it. After all I wasn't expecting to meet such nice in so fast but I did so I can say that I was lucky. So all in all, I can say that I'm happy.
‘Hope in reality is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs the torments of man.’ 


Friday, January 4, 2013

new year's stuff to do.

13 things to keep in mind that I want to do in 2013:

- Job.
- Keep the job.
- Read more.
- Paint and draw more.
- Take more photographs.
- Buy a pair of new Vans.
- To get my deviantart back to work and use it as a portfolio.
- Travel more.
- Buy and learn how to play a Ukelele.
- Study history on my own.
- Learn French again.
- Take an awesome course.
- Make my etsy shop. and make it work.

(Lame I know but I do not want forget this things)